
  • “Your prompt response, willingness to provide after-hours
    service and professionalism in handling this crisis situation
    is commendable.”

    • “The attentiveness, responsiveness and professionalism displayed
      by you and your staff has been exceptional”

      • “We asked you to complete the work in several phases and
        in an accelerated time frame that was next to impossible. However,
        your team did an excellent job stepping up and completing the job on
        time, and with a high degree of quality.”

  • Updates

    • Electrical Dynamics Named S.T.E.P. Award Recipient

                                                                                                    PRESS RELEASE   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                         CONTACT: ROBERT J. MCGOVERN June 2, 2015 (781) 273-0123   Gould Construction…

  • From Our Customers

    • “Because of your contribution and assistance, the project was completed on schedule and we now have two very satisfied tenants…